Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Theme of Learning in The Alchemist

An interesting theme to think on that is found throughout The Alchemist is man’s search for knowledge. While in most classic literature, the search for knowledge (forbidden or inaccessible) leads to the “fall” of man, chaos, and destruction. However, within this story, man is only fulfilled by being willing to strive for, sacrifice for and search for the knowledge of what his heart says, what his treasure is, and what his Personal Legend is, with each of these intricately linked. Each step, as random as it may seem, provides Santiago with the knowledge to complete one further step of his journey (including the thief’s ignorant disclosure of the true location of the treasure after beating and robbing him). Meanwhile, the alchemist is able to teach Santiago true alchemy because unlike the Englishman, Santiago is willing to learn anything to achieve his Personal Legend, not just wanting to learn for material gain. In addition, the dialogue about the secrets of alchemy only being found by those who are not wanting it for its own sake adds more interest to the theme.

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